Art by Rebecca Fullerton
Help keep the tails wagging and the sleds running…
It takes a lot to get the team to the start line. Can you help us get there?
There are a lot of different ways to support the team. The below links bring you to PayPal, but if you’d prefer to use postal mail, please use the form below to get in touch.
When you join the team expect notes and communiques from the dogs throughout the season, occasional mentions on social media, and of course recognition on this page. We are happy to go ‘anonymous’ as well.
Thank you to those who support the team, year in and year out, and who help keep the dogs on the trail. It is humbling to see and experience how many of you connect to these amazing little souls. We welcome visits from you to meet your sponsored dog(s) in person!.
Dog sponsorships:
Hint: On the click-through link, is a place to write in the name of your sponsored dog, and please click ‘share address’ to get notes and other fun things from the dogs!
Support a Lead Dog $75 Click here
Aurora, Gemma, Flora, Willie Jr, Jax, Skee, and Marian are thrilled!
Support a Team Dog $40 Click here
Oriana Fallaci, Spiller, Razz, Tap Tap, Cobalt, Wocket, Patch, Fauci, Vorace, Shucker and Squan say thanks!
Support a Yearling $25 Click here
Norkin and Hutton are psyched!
Can’t pick one? Support the whole team! $150 Click here
Bootie sponsorships:
The saying goes ‘no feet no dog,’ and over the course of the season and during the course of a long race, that’s a lot of bootie! This sponsorship outfits the entire team in booties for a leg of a race. $50 Click here.
Rita sponsorship:
‘Rita’ is the name of the dog truck, and this is the spot where we welcome any amount. No amount is too small! PS: Are you interested in sponsoring a race registration? Get in touch with the form below and we can tell you what races need support Click here
In kind or creative ways to sponsor the team:
We love it all! Do you have a creative way you want to be involved? Get in touch below: