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Spiller has earned the nickname ‘the hall monitor’ for her policing of her teammates behaviors. Is her partner not working hard enough? She barks at them. Is her partner scooping snow? She barks at them. Does her partner try to stop to poop? Yep. You got it. She barks at them. Spiller is a dog that takes her job very seriously, and does so with pure joy. 

A little ray of sunshine, Spiller is pretty much happy all the time. Any photo I’ve seen from races, you can spot Spiller with her perma-grin and total focus forward. Spiller runs most often in point, just behind the leaders, driving the speed and helping take turns. As a yearling, Spiller earned the nickname ‘the undefeated Spiller’, because of her relentlessly positive attitude and, well, that she won her first races. That title continued as a two year old, where she ran on my winning Can Am 100 team in 2020. Even though her reign has come to an end, and she has been defeated, I have decided that she will always be undefeated in her head.

As she’s fully matured, Spiller can best be summed up as a tough, eternally happy, hardworking front-end dog. Part of my solid front end for years, Spiller’s spot is point, right behind the leaders. In the dogyard, Spiller does best as a neighbor to high-energy young males, as she loves bossing them around and playing with them, such as Jameson, Norkin, and Shucker. A ‘little bit extra’, Spiller is often heard chattering to her neighbors in anticipation of feeding time, and demands that I sit and hold her when I pass though her circle.

Race Experience:

Can Am 30: 12th place

Blue Mtn Sled Dog 30 mile (1st place)
Can Am 100 (1st place)

2019 (with Al Borak in MI)
Apostle Islands 80 (coming in first and earning the nickname ‘the undefeated Spiller)
Midnight Run

Born: 2017

Dupa (Groeneveld) x Goon (Thurston)

‘Spiller’ was an axe company in Oakland, ME