Vorace with his brother Riptide.
Vorace was sold to friend Martin Massicotte as a puppy, along with his sister Tap. Vorace (once Carlson) was the most independent and stubborn of the litter, and in Martin’s skilled training has grown into a disciplined, always happy, always barking, maniac. Vorace is an identical twin to his brothers Jameson and Riptide, and his brother Chugach with Mary Beth—the Jersey Shore pups are such a uniform litter.
Martin decided to cut Vorace as he dialed in his Iditarod team, for the simple reason that Vorace struggled maintaining weight. An otherwise perfect sled dog, I bought Vorace back in December 2021.
Vorace is a super-sized version of his brother Bruce, insanely high energy and barking like a maniac anytime we stop. Always happy, Vorace is very affectionate and licks my face anytime I bootie or harness him. Vorace runs best in the team, I tried him in lead with his mother Aurora exactly once and he wasn’t quite ready for leadership.
It took almost two months, but after flipping between his original puppy name (Carlson) and his adult name (Vorace), and sometimes combining the two (‘CarlsonVorace’), it became clear to me that he was, truly, Vorace. Keeping his name as Vorace recognizes that while I might have bred him as a puppy, his formative experiences occurred elsewhere, his name a representation of who he is now. Welcome back, Vorace.
Born: 7/25/2019
Aurora x Zippo, the Jersey Shore/ aka Lilliputians/ aka Monsters
Race Record:
Wilderness 35 1st Place
Can Am 100 1st Place (dropped at the checkpoint)